FC Bayern MĂŒnchen v Galatasaray

FC Bayern MĂŒnchen v Galatasaray

Standard Category
Central Lower Longside : Block 102-105 /  120-123 / 229-232 
Lower Longside : Block 101 106 107 118 119 124 125 136 227 228 233 234
Shortside : Block 215-226 / 236-240 / 308-323 / 332-338

Standard Ticket
*E - tickets will be sent by email 24-48 hours before the kick-off time.

All prices are per ticket. Tickets splitted in pairs together. For uneven number of tickets we will deliver 2+1 as closed to each other as possible. For uneven number in a row, we need to charge 30% on top for each ticket. 

The UEFA Rules for Champions & Europa league matches, tickets cannot be sold to customers with nationality of the away team.

*Please note that the dates of the games can be subject to changes in order to fit in with Champions League obligations and television coverage.
*For example, games initially planned on a Saturday can be rescheduled to the previous Friday night or Sunday afternoon, and games planned on a Wednesday can also be rescheduled to Tuesday or Thursday evening.
*For that reason, we highly recommend that you organize your stay considering these possible modifications, and that you make sure to know the confirmed date and kick-off time before departure.

8 nov. 2023
Mobile E-ticket

Garanterad biljettleverantör

Vi har en 30-Ärig relation till att leverera biljetter till Premier League-matcher. Du Àr i trygga hÀnder.

Boka biljetter


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